Terminology︱Gear Rack

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For using or designing mechanism by gear rack system, it is necessary to have terminology knowledge of gear rack as mechanical element.


+ Addendum The Distance between the top land of the gear tooth and the pitch circle.
+ Addendum Circle An imaginary circle that passes through the addendums of the gear teeth.
+ Dedendum The distance between the bottom land of the gear tooth and the pitch circle.
+ Dedendum Circle An imaginary circle that passes through the dedendums of the gear teeth.


+ Base Circle In an involute curve, the circle from which the curve is unwond in a spiral shape..

+ Circular PitchThe distance from a point on one gear tooth to the corresponding point on the next gear tooth, measured along the pitch circle.
+ Circular Thickness The thickness of a gear tooth, measure on the pitch circle.
+ Pitch Circle An imaginary circle on a gear that divides the gear teeth into top lands and bottom lands, and into addendums and dedendums.  The pitch circles of two gears in correct mesh contact each other at the pitch point.
+ Pitch Diameter The diameter of a gear's pitch circle.  A gear's pitch diameter can be determined by measuring from the top of one gear tooth to the bottom of the opposite gear tooth.
+ Pitch Point The point at which the pitch circles of two gears are in contact with each other at a single point.
+ Pitch A property used to classify gears.  Gears can be classified by circular pitch or diametric pitch, but the diametric pitch method is the most common.
+ Backlash The Distance by which the tooth thickness of one gear exceeds the tooth space of the mating gear.
+ Clearance The distance between the top land of a gear tooth and teh bottom land of the tooth it meshed with on the mating gear.
+ Diametric Pitch The number of teeth given per inch of a gear's pitch diameter.  Diametric pitch is the most common method of classifying gears.
+ Pressure Angle The angle made by the sides of a gear tooth as they incline toward the top of the gear.



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